Sah D'Simone, Meditation Entrepreneur

Sah D'Simone, Meditation Entrepreneur

Sah D’Simone lives in the flow state. He also lives to break molds. While he is on a mission to break down stigmas around mental health, Sah makes meditation and consciousness seem not only approachable for everyone, but also makes it seem so stylish and cool.

With an entrepreneurial background in the fashion industry, Sah founded Bullett Magazine and a successful blog sold to Oracle, before shedding this former life and growing into the transformational coach, speaker and author that he is today.

He also just released a fantastic book – 5 Minute Daily Meditations – that leaves zero excuses for anyone claiming they want to meditate and don’t have the time. This collection of short meditations makes everyday awareness accessible to stay-at-home moms to CEO’s.

In this conversation, we discuss so many interesting topics bridging mysticism, biology, introspection and science. We discuss Sah’s rocky entrepreneurial journey (which includes a hilarious story about getting fired from a porn shop), dealing with the highs and lows of depression, bringing meditation to corporations and how it’s affecting the business world, and the most impactful benefits and transformations that Sah has witnessed from meditation.

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Topics discussed in this conversation include:

  • Sah’s personal background and journey

  • Creating Bullett Magazine and the details of the creative process

  • Getting fired from a porn shop

  • Getting bought out by the magazine he founded

  • Dealing with depression and anxiety

  • Creating a spirituality blog

  • Selling Oracle to Oracle

  • How Sah discovered self-care and plant-based lifestyle

  • Sah’s ethical dilemma with consumerism vs inner growth

  • Transformation in India

  • Learning the depths of forgiveness and coming into awareness of the mind

  • What it’s like to do a 30-day silent retreat

  • Applying ancient teachings and spiritual wisdom to modern science and entrepreneurship in NYC (or vice versa)

  • Contemplative Psychotherapy

  • Healing suicidal thoughts

  • Sah’s mission to breakdown mental health stigmas

  • Corporate meditation and some brands Sah has brought meditation to

  • Resistances and how meditation is affecting the corporate world

  • Most impactful benefits of meditation, from Sah’s perspective

  • Dealing with trauma and how we perceive trauma

  • Responding to life vs reacting to life

  • Sah’s most prized failure

  • Sah’s daily rituals

  • Breath

  • Personal meditation question from me and Sah’s fascinating biological and mystical explanation

  • Coherent breathing practices

  • Sah’s most valuable advice for conscious entrepreneurs



Sah D’Simone is a meditation teacher, author, transformational speaker and coach. Born in Brazil, Sah came to the U.S. at the age of 16, working for over a decade in the fashion industry, becoming the co-founder and creative director of Bullett Magazine. Despite his immense success, the high stakes culture of the fashion industry led Sah down a path of addiction and depression, eventually opening the doorway to a different way of life. In 2012, he walked away from his career in fashion and began an intensive search for health and well-being, traveling to Nepal, India, Thailand, Indonesia and Europe to study with some of the most prolific masters of our time. After immersing himself in practice for several years, Sah returned to the states, dedicating his life to helping others to live in alignment and achieve their highest potential. Sah has masterfully synthesized the ancient techniques of meditation, contemplative psychotherapy, breath work, and plant based nutrition for a modern and accessible approach to well-being. His infectious enthusiasm for healing and self-love has built a devoted fan base, with a client list that includes Google, MoMa, American Express, the United Nations, New Balance, Bloomingdales, and Havas. Sah also shares his mission with underserved communities, advocating for mental health and well-being in the LGBTIQ and POC communities.


Danielle Posa, Founder of The Wellbeing Hacker

Danielle Posa, Founder of The Wellbeing Hacker

Shaun Osher, Founder & CEO of CORE Real Estate

Shaun Osher, Founder & CEO of CORE Real Estate